Thursday, May 19, 2016

Did God Give Me Cancer? - Zack Hunt

You know, if I had known just how terrible chemotherapy would be, I never would have gotten cancer in in the first place.
(It’s ok to laugh. That was a joke.)
But the amount of love and support, encouragement and prayers from friends and loved ones, long lost acquaintances and complete strangers has made life more than bearable.
It’s made life worth living, worth fighting for.
I am grateful beyond words for the myriad of ways kindness has been poured into my family’s life over the past few weeks. It’s a debt I doubt I will ever be able to fully repay, but will most certainly try.
I’m also grateful for what hasn’t been said.
In moments like this when someone we know is diagnosed with a horrible disease or when someone we love is taken from us tragically, we often and understandably find ourselves at a loss for words. We know there’s nothing we can say that will offer the sort of deep peace and healing that is needed and yet we feel compelled to speak anyway because silence can be so terrifying and, unfortunately, as we fumble for what to say we sometimes end up compounding the pain instead of bringing the peace we hoped to give.
Whether it is through the inherent wisdom of my friends and family or some sort of prevenient grace, I was never told even once over the past few weeks that my cancer diagnosis happened for a reason or that it was somehow part of God’s plan, some sort of cruel plot device the divine decided to hurl my way for some mysterious purpose.
As I’ve said so many times already, I’m one of the lucky ones.
No one told me that God gave me cancer.
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