Thursday, July 13, 2017

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"I Haven't Seen You Lately" - Greg Albrecht

A friend of mine who attends her church on a fairly regular basis missed a few weeks in a row. When she returned, one of the “church ladies” greeted her with: “I haven’t seen you lately!” Of course, the “church lady” meant she hadn’t seen my friend lately at church, and that was a cause for concern.

“I haven’t seen you lately” might include the following thoughts:

• First, let’s assume the best. This greeting might be intended to communicate the fact that my friend was genuinely missed, and that her return was warmly welcomed. However, “I am glad to see you. How are you?” might avoid the extra helping of guilt and innuendo present in “I haven’t seen you lately.”

• On the other hand, religion places a high premium on attendance in a particular building located on a specific piece of real estate at a regular, recurring time. Given the resulting guilt that can affect someone who misses a few services, “I haven’t seen you lately” might actually mean “Where the hell have you been?”

Friday, June 2, 2017

Does God Do Whatever He Wants because He is God? Ken Tanner

I frequently run into the argument that God can do whatever he wants because he is God.

Partnered with this assertion is often an accusation that human “sensibilities” about what is right and wrong are not the same as God’s—that his ways are higher than our ways—as a defense for God behaving in ways that we would otherwise call sociopathic in humans.

Christians believe we know what we know about evil because of what is revealed about God in Jesus Christ *and* by what is inherent in humanity, owing to our being fashioned in the image of God. This image is broken in us but not eradicated or absent, even in the “worst” of us.

And above and far beyond this there is now in Jesus Christ a human life that embodies all that God intended for our race, and his brilliant life—not mankind’s broken collective aspirations about the good!—is now the foundation, the *human* measure of what is good and what is evil.

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